Friday, December 8, 2023

What are obsession spells?

The world of magic and mysticism has long fascinated humanity, with various cultures delving into the art of spellcasting for diverse purposes. One intriguing facet of spellwork is the obsession spell—a practice believed to create an intense and all-encompassing focus on a specific person or desire. While ethical considerations surround the use of such spells, the historical roots and alleged ingredients provide insight into the mystical traditions that have persisted across centuries. In this exploration, we delve into the mysterious ingredients often associated with obsession spells, examining their historical context and the controversies that surround their use.
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 I invite you to watch a video of casting a spell 

  1. Candles: The Illuminating Force:

    Candles have been integral to magical practices across cultures for centuries, symbolizing illumination, transformation, and the connection between the earthly and spiritual realms. In obsession spells, candles serve as the primary tool for focusing intention. The color of the candle is chosen based on the desired outcome—red for passion, pink for romantic love, or white for a pure and intense connection. Candles act as conduits, channeling the energy of the spell into the universe.

  2. Herbs and Roots: The Earth's Essence:

    The use of herbs and roots in magic dates back to ancient times, where the natural properties of plants were believed to hold potent energies. In obsession spells, specific herbs are chosen for their associations with love, passion, and intensity. Common choices include rose petals for romantic love, thyme for courage, and ginger for fiery passion. These botanical elements are often employed in rituals, infusions, or as components of charm bags to amplify the spell's effectiveness.

  3. Personal Items: The Link to the Target:

    Personal items belonging to the target of the spell are often considered essential ingredients in obsession spells. These items act as a symbolic link, connecting the caster to the subject on a metaphysical level. Hair, nail clippings, or personal belongings are incorporated into the spell to enhance the connection and intensify the focus of the magic. The ethical implications of using personal items in spellwork raise questions about consent and the boundaries of magical practice.

  4. Mirrors: Reflecting Desires:

    Mirrors, with their longstanding mystical associations, play a prominent role in obsession spells. They are believed to reflect and magnify the intentions of the spellcaster, creating a concentrated energy directed toward the desired outcome. Mirrors are used to symbolize the amplification of the caster's will and the reflection of the intense focus back onto the target. However, ethical concerns arise regarding the potential consequences of manipulating another person's emotions through magical means.

  5. Written Spells: The Power of Words:

    The written word has held immense power in magical traditions, and obsession spells often involve the crafting of written incantations or petitions. These written spells detail the caster's intentions, desires, and the specific outcome sought. The act of writing is considered a form of manifestation, as the words are believed to carry the energy of the spellcaster's will. Ethical considerations surrounding consent and the impact on the target's free will are inherent in the use of written spells for obsessive purposes.


Obsession spells, with their historical roots and mystical ingredients, offer a glimpse into the complex and often controversial realm of magical practices. While the allure of wielding magical forces to influence emotions persists, the ethical considerations surrounding consent, free will, and karmic consequences prompt practitioners to approach such spells with caution. As the magical community continues to evolve, discussions around responsible spellcasting and the ethical use of mystical practices shape the landscape of contemporary occultism, encouraging practitioners to navigate the mystical realms with mindfulness and respect for the interconnected energies that bind us all.

1 comment:

Wiccan spells for love

  Wicca love magic with a red candle and affirmations is a beautiful and potent practice within the Wiccan tradition aimed at attracting lov...